Seems like weeks fly by and I'm rarely around this blog. I guess there are so many other things getting in the way that it's all a matter of priority.
My parents are finally feeling better after weeks of one bug after the other, I've started to get caught up on some work projects that have been nagging at me, and I'm home from yet another business trip.
The worst part about it is that my kayak is still not started. Yeah, I know, I can't believe it either.
There is some good news on the horizon...
- Baseball season starts in just a few days. "GO TAMPA BAY RAYS!!!! I guess I better get my cowbells ready.
- Tomorrow is the first day of spring.
- Emily still likes me (unbelievable as that may sound!)
- My swimming pool temperature has finally broken 80°
Of course the order of importance of this list is
at my discretion as I change my mind on a whim.
Anyway, things are good. I have a job, I have a girl, and the Good Lord sees fit to keep it that way.
Charlie's happy too...