Thursday, May 8, 2008

It's an over used word...

Bitch. It's just so over used. Today at work I decide to be a little more aware of how people use this word since it has so many meanings. You know, like for instance... female dog (there were no references to this meaning today), a difficult time, a complaint, or my favorite, a special someone. Mostly the reference I heard today was concerning this last definition. Here's one of the best quotes heard today
"If that f***ing bitch sends me one more complaining email, I'm going to strangle her!" which was followed shortly by "She better not show her f***ing face around here or I swear I'll bitch slap her into next week!"
Which brings me to the term, bitch slap. I don't know exactly what that means, or what it is, but it sure sounds painful. What are the parameters of a bitch slap? Does it require the use of the right hand rather than the left hand? Or vice versa? Is this a slap to the face or the back of the head? If it's to the back of the head, then I was bitch slapped by my mother about a go-zillion times when I was a kid.
Do you need to announce a bitch slap? Do you need to be a bitch to do this? or do you only slap a person considered a bitch? What happens if the person you slap enjoys it? Is it still an insult?
I think you can see why I might be confused.
Another question. Why is it always a slap? Why not a "bitch punch"? Or a "bitch kick in the ass"? How about a "bitch poke in the eye with a sharp stick"?
I just don't get it.
And don't even get me started on "pitching a bitch fit"...


Anonymous said...

** giggle ** :D

Lani said...

Seriously? You forgot - "what a bitch ass thing to say!" Here's another one for ya that I know you'll love. The word is "twat-waffle" to be used in a derogatory manner. For example, "That bitch is such a twat-waffle." Try it! It just rolls off the tongue. ENJOY!
Love ya more....

Hugo the Chinchilla said...

Ha ha!! Nice!